
Showing posts from December, 2011


Hey, everyone. Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! I know I have not been around hardly at all, especially during such a wonderful craft explosion of a holiday! But things are pretty overloaded at home and I am finding myself more depressed lately. Not so much during the day, but during the evening when my kidlets finally go down and I am able to sit and relax. There are so many things I want to do! Crafting, knitting, reading, writing, my schoolwork! But so little time and, by the end of the day, no energy. Not to mention how incredibly difficult it is to keep up with the crafting world considering I have NO money to spend on it. I think I have hit a bit of a plateau and that is giving me a hard time with my crafting. I have so many wonderful things! But in the end there are only so many things I can do and I feel my creativity is being held back. And to make it all that much more overloaded, the upcoming medical trip for my son has me completely stressed out. Not bei...


HEY, EVERYONE! I know I know! It has been more than a month!!! My family has had the craziest ride the past month-BUT we survived! Here we are! Here I am! So many new things to do and share. I just wanted to pop in real quick tonight and let you all know of the most amazing person-Megan Elizabeth! She is found at Above Rubies Studio where she is crafting, crafting, crafting! She is the most wonderful woman! So full of talent and energy and love! She has got the sweetest family too! Check her out, peeps! And now is a great time to get to know her. She has a special 7 days of celebration going on! She is sharing with us some of her wish list dreams while also spreading some cheer with some gifts of her own! Check her out and follow her Christmas cheer!!! Take care, everybody! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!