Am I...back?
Hello, my friends! It is I, your long lost crafter! Where have I been you ask? Well...I've been right here. LoL The truth is, I have been incredibly busy! Between 3 kidlets who are growing like weeds, and a hubby who who has PTSD, I have been very preoccupied. Also, I have had some health issues which have complicated things. BUT! I am back! To make it even better, my baby started school this year! Though I definitely miss the baby stages and having my kids home with me during the day, I am grateful to get some serious me time. I have been working at starting my own home business which is very difficult for me where I live. Unfortunately, there are no financial entrepreneur type helps for someone on territorial disability. Because of my young age, I am unable to get federal disability. So, I have found a good start. I am now an Independant Consultant for Close to My Heart! I love being able to share some of my favorite products with others. What makes it even better is that I have ...