Sweet Sweet Blogginess!

What a sigh of relief! To sit down on a Friday night after a long and BUSY week and have somewhere to connect with friends, share some thoughts, and get crafty! I love my blog! Again my internet is acting up so I have been unable to post some new projects. I will attempt it tonight-wish me luck!

So, I decided to make an effort to work on some cards for a very good cause. Robyn over at MyPinkStamper.com put up a post by request from a fellow viewer.

Cancer has been a bit of a bother in our family. My grandmother died of breast cancer many years ago and my Daddy was slowed down by both Liver cancer and Kidney cancer. The kidney cancer led to him losing the use of his kidneys and having to go on dialysis for the rest of his life. Among many other things, my Father fought and won but was taken down by the aftermath of the cancer.

So, I made two cards. I thought a lot about my father and what we went through as a family, as well as it being his mother that died of breast cancer, and I can imagine some of what these beautiful, strong women have gone through and how far they have come. They truly are heroes and should be celebrated.

Okay, so the photos were at %98 and...there was an error so they didn't finish. *Sigh* I guess I will have to try again later. Perhaps I shall go scrapbook some to ease my frustration. LoL Take care!


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