Blog Candy-o-Rama!

Hey, everyone. Hope you are all having a wonderful Labour Day. The day is almost over for me but has been a very good one. The weekend has been long but now it's time to get back on schedule. Hopefully that entails me getting back to my crafting. I have TONS of scrapbooking to catch up on!!! There is just not enough time in a life! LoL Anyways, just a quick note to point out the giveaways on the right hand side of my blog. I stumbled upon them quite accidentally. I love looking around at other blogs for some inspiration and ideas. One blog lead to another which leads to another now I have MANY new blogs to look around and enjoy. Some of them have some amazing giveaways going on! I did not post them all because there is not enough time and I just enjoy browsing. Yes, I would LOVE to win some candy but that is not why I join people's blogs. :) I feel it is unfair to them. Especially as they are all so very very talented! Anyway, I must go to bed. I am very tired and have a busy day tomorrow. Week 2 of my baby boy's school beginnings! He is so big and I am so proud of how he has grown. I love all my children so much and feel so blessed. They are wonderful children and beautiful blessings-each one of them! Have a good week, all! Take care!


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