What a WONDERFUL day!!! I woke up two hours after everybody else. My husband had cleaned the house, did the dishes, did a couple loads of laundry, and even vacuumed!! THEN he took us all for a beautiful walk to the museum where we had a picnic lunch and the kids had a blast playing in the kids area. What a perfect day! I could NOT ask for more. And to top it off, we ran into my good friend Shauna on the way to the museum so we got to hang out for a bit AND she later came over for some scrapbooking! I even had time to bake a fresh loaf of bread and make a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup for supper. Like I said-perfect day! So why the NOOOOOOOOOOOO! ? Well...I forgot my camera at home! *bawl* So no pictures of such a wonderful day! The kids thoroughly enjoyed the museum and they just soaked everything in like a sponge! It is such a blessing to see my sweet darlings take to education with such excitement and determination! And I can't scrapbook it! WAAAHHHH! *sigh* Oh well. Maybe next summer. Take care!


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