
Wow...I cannot believe how tired I am lately. So much happening all at the same time and a whole new schedule to get used to-and FAST! But it is all good! Soon I will be back to having some regular 'me time' to get some more crafting done. Some upcoming events I am thoroughly looking forward to are the birthdays of my two boys. Their b-days are 3 days apart from each other and Daddy and I have decided to give each of them their own special day instead of combining them to make one half special day. It takes a lot of prep work in the months before but I think we are doing well this year! Did I mention it is my oldest's 4th and youngest 1st birthday? LoL Tons of excitement! I shall keep you posted in the following months-their b-days are at the end of November. So now I must go off to bed as we are planning on taking the kidlets to the museum tomorrow. They have a beautiful and interactive display on Aurora Borealis, aka the Northern Lights. We can't wait! Y'all have a great night and take care!


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